Allow me to introduce myself

I'm Alex Pietrak

I am a transformational coach, offering 1:1 sessions, workshops and festivals. My life mission is to empower my clients to follow their dreams, thrive in their careers, build nourishing relationships and enjoy the current moment.

In my 5+ years career in consulting and tech, I experienced the excitement of a busy life with fast-tracked promotions and constant flow of new challenges.

My secret "trick" to stay happy, energized and creative was my mindfulness practice. I traveled the world to learn the most impactful and powerful techniques, including Integrated Kundalini Activation, breathwork, healing touch, pranayama, movement, coaching. I worked for 2 years as a workshop facilitator, in parallel with a full time job in tech.

My breakthrough moment was becoming initiated as an Integrated Kundalini Activation facilitator by Marika Daya in Bali. At that moment it became clear that it is the time, to follow my mission full time.


My mission is to help you achieve 3 goals...


What prevents you from taking a shot at living your dreams?
Are you waiting to:
– gain enough experience?
– save enough money?
– be approached by the right person?

Our mind has many ways to rationalize and convince us that the moment to start following our dreams is not now. The reason frequently lies in the unconscious – most often in the feeling of not being good enough. The tools I use in my practice pierce the “rationalization layer” and dig deep into those subconscious limiting beliefs.

Build nourishing relationships

Are you looking for a perfect lover to make you happy? Are you searching for that group of friends that will make each of your weekends unique and exciting?

We are social animals and human contact is scientifically proven to boost happiness. But it’s also the case that healthy relationships are a virtuous circle – you both give and receive. And you cannot give out of an empty vessel.

The more you love yourself, the more you will tap into the joy of being alive and the more amazing human beings will appear around you. This is the basic chemistry of relationships. The starting point for this process is the journey towards self love.

Enjoy here and now

The future is just an image in your head. The past doesn’t exist anymore. The reality is now.

And yet, it’s so easy to forget about now, and spend your life:
– longing for pleasant moments in the past (nostalgia)
– overthinking unpleasant memories (trauma)
– waiting for pleasant events in the future (excitement)
– anticipating upcoming unpleasant events (anxiety)

In my practice, I use a range of techniques to strengthen our ability to focus on the present. The ability to enjoy the time in the workshop often inspires the participants to create more time for activities they really enjoy in life, and then embrace the “be here and now” mindset while doing that activity.
To achieve these goals, there are 3 key levers

ACTIVATE self-love

Self-love is the key pillar for all 3 goals listed above.

– It allows us to feel worthy of and ready for living the life we dream of.
– It creates a pleasant energy field around us, that attracts other people and helps build nourishing relationships.
– It makes it easier to enjoy the present moment through the mindset: “I am worthy enough to take time to enjoy my life. I don’t have to live my life for others.”

It may take a lot of time to consciously decide and make ourselves embrace self-love. That’s why I work with the range of techniques listed below, that tap into the sub-conscious and work directly with your energy body.

Remember – putting yourself first is not selfish. Put on your own oxygen mask on first! You can’t really help someone if you’re empty yourself.


A common reason why we don’t feel self-love is because of past traumas and energy blockages. These are often created early in our childhood, and sometimes we don’t remember the specific events that caused them.

One way to work to release trauma is through psychotherapy. This involves using your mind to understand where the trauma comes from and to use that understanding to heal.

My approach is to treat trauma in a way that’s complementary to psychotherapy. Your trauma exists at the mind layer, but can also be accessed through the energy layer and even through the body layer. If you have tried psychotherapy and it didn’t help, it may be helpful to approach your trauma using these alternative paths – through energy transmission, breathwork or bodywork.

One approach that works very well for my clients is energy substitution. The moment the trauma is released, we replace it with the energy of self-love. Gradually, the focus moves away from the trauma and towards the joy of being alive.


There is only one person in the world who knows the answers to the most important questions you’ve ever asked.
– What is the purpose of life?
– What is my mission?
– What is my ideal job?

That person has known you since you were born. Has witnessed your brightest and darkest moments. Knows all your thoughts. It’s not your coach, nor your mother, nor your lover.

It’s you.

In modern life we are often disconnected from our inner wisdom, as social media drowns us with messages of what is cool or good for us. Clever marketeers use our fears and subconscious desires to make us buy products we don’t need.

The first level of unlocking your inner wisdom is when you start trusting your intuition. It is closely related to self-love, because putting yourself first implies paying attention to your own wisdom.

As you go deeper into your mindfulness practice, and your pineal gland gets activated, your vague intuition turns into certainty. You see your mission clearly and you walk your path with confidence.
My services

I use 6 main tools to catalyze change

Integrated Kundalini Activation (IKA)

Kundalini means life force energy in Sanskrit. It represents consciousness that manifests as energy and animates your physical body. Kundalini is often symbolized as a coiled snake at the base of the spine and can be activated to rise through the energy channel in the body

Integrated Kundalini Activation is a direct energy transmission. The facilitator acts as a tuning fork, setting a high frequency of energy in the room. Once the participants lie down on the mat and release control, they may experience their own life force energy being activated, removing blockages and leading to a state of oneness and connection to their essence.

Healing touch

The use of touch is powerful in the transformation process. Its effectiveness is dependent on the intention and focus of the giver and the receiver.

In fully-clothed, healing touch workshops we first connect to that intention, then charge our hands with the energy to heal, to be eventually able to help each other in the transformation journey.

Intuitive movement

What differentiates intuitive movement from other types of dance, is its non-directive nature. It starts with listening to your body needs at that specific moment. Although you may be moving in same space as others, your attention is centred on your own experience and it does not matter how your movement looks to others.

This practice allows a more balanced relationship between the mind and body, where body is recognized as more than just a tool to get things done. This allows you to truly be here and now, and release stress and tension from everyday work.


While its modern version was popularized in the 1960s, breathwork is a fundamental tool of the shamanic tradition, originating in hunter-gatherer societies before the dawn of agriculture.

The power of breath is easily accessible – we can tap into it at any point in time and in any place. During a workshop, we use multiple types of breath for different purposes: e.g. slow breath to calm ourselves down, and fire breath to generate intense transformative energy. Through that combination we create altered states of consciousness, for spiritual growth, healing and self-development.

Cacao ceremony

Cacao is an ancient medicinal plant, used since thousands of years for healing. The plant is known as the “heart opener”, because it often causes us to sense more intensely the feeling of love, both towards others and ourselves.

In a ceremony, we use organic cacao from Peru, and charge it with rituals and mantras. Accompanied by the sound of a shamanic drum, we then take a sip and embark on a journey of self discovery.

Transformational coaching

Each of the 5 tools may trigger profound changes in your life. For example, practicing IKA made me quit my job and completely stop drinking alcohol. It can be overwhelming to have such big shifts happening in your life and no one to talk to about them. That’s why every workshop I host includes space for participants to talk about their experience and any changes they are experiencing.

If more time is needed, I also offer 1:1 coaching sessions. In those sessions my role is to listen attentively, and support you with helpful questions. In this way I empower you to find all the answers yourself.

Voice of my clients